/giphy don’t be a dick
Wow, giphy is all uppity with me today.
Software Development
Part of the time, software dev be like:Time to attach this rushed turd to this larger turd.We call it.
A Long Quarantime Ago
In old country, do they practice socialist distancing?
True Serverless Technology
A totally new direction for serverless… going to just take my blog and transfer it to paper. Subscribers will.
Computer Virus
I was working with someone who suddenly had a bunch of text all over their monitor. I asked if.
Playing Horses
Wife said she’s going to go “play horses”. This is new to me… I assume it’s a percussion instrument.
Date knife
Product idea: check list of items which bring you joy during your date. If they don’t add up, no.
TIL: Hanlon’s Razor
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor